WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
Vice President for Partnerships and Philanthropy

Kristina DeMain

Kristina DeMain is WOLA’s Vice President for Partnerships and Philanthropy, overseeing WOLA’s entire fundraising program and developing and implementing strategies for organizational growth. She directs fundraising efforts with individuals as well as WOLA’s annual gala, which honors defenders of human rights in Latin America. Ms. DeMain also manages WOLA’s relationships with philanthropic foundations and she works closely with the board of directors on fundraising outreach. Prior to working at WOLA, Ms. DeMain was the Coordinator for Business and Human Rights at Human Rights Watch.

There she focused on issues involving business and human rights, including the impact of corruption in resource-rich countries as well as human rights issues related to extractive industries. She also consulted with the group EG Justice, coordinating their efforts on an international campaign around Equatorial Guinea, managing external communications, and strengthening the organization’s management processes. She remains on their international advisory committee. Ms. DeMain previously worked at WOLA for several years as a Program Assistant, liaising with the board of directors and focusing on Mexico and Communications. She was also the Sally Yudelman Internship Program Coordinator.

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