WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
9 Aug 2013 | Commentary

Latin America Drug Policy Dialogue 2013 Maldonado, Uruguay

The ninth meeting of the Informal Drug Policy Dialogues in Latin America–a joine project between WOLA and the Transnational Institute–took place in April 2013 in Maldonado, Uruguay. The discussion explored the challenges in designing and implementing a regulated cannabis market. Analyzing both the Uruguayan regulation proposal and existing models of regulation, the participants identified strengths and weaknesses in regulation frameworks and helped chart a path forward for cannabis reform.

The two-day dialogue was supported by the Uruguayan National Drugs Board (Junta Nacional de Drogas, JND), Friederich Ebert Stiftung, and the government of Maldonado, Uruguay.

To read the report, pleace click here.

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